Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sundance Broad Strokes and Takeaways.....

 Joseph Gordon Levitt and Scarlett Johanson in Don Jon's Addiction

Sundance season has come and gone with many new films debuting and gaining momentum along with exposure....

Some of the takeaways from general internet buzz is exciting with one of the most recognizable successes coming in the form of Don Jon's Addiction which is Joseph Gordon Levitt's feature film directoral debut which inked a distribution and prints and advertising deal with Relativity.   The film has been getting positive buzz and is set to get a wide release possible later this year.

Some other films getting traction include...
More thoughts as things develop.

In the mean time here is an epic basement dunk clinic

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Inagural Post

This is the first of a string of content meant to be enjoyed by the general interweb public.  The content is going to be based around general entertainment pop culture and will also contain a episode recap and reactions to various television shows and recent movie releases...okay

Here is the first part of the movie GirlWalk// All Day...a movie featuring a trio of dancers who dance through public spaces around New York City to the GirlWalk Album All Day....
More to come in the future...in the interim here is a random banksy grafitti