Saturday, March 2, 2013

Black Mirror is the Future Broken?

Just a check in wanted to mention an awesome UK Mini Series by Charlie Brooker called Black Mirror.  These are a collection of dark, twisted standalone segments that each run about 45min to an hour.
Each episode functions independently with no recurring characters from entry to entry.  In fact each episode features a new world and each is meant to show another way that our lives might be impacted by the natural evolution of technology.  Fair warning they are pretty dark stories, not overly violent or anything, but definitely not family viewing. 

The first three were released last year and were a huge success.  The second trilogy was released this last month and the 3 independent movies are just as good as the first year.  Again since each episode is their own story you can watch any episode in any order.  


Personally I recommend all of them, but noticeably:
Season 1 Epidode 2 titled "Fifteen Million Merits
also this years 2nd episode was mind blowing titled "White Bear."  
Episodes 1.3 "The Entire History of You" and Episode 2.1 "Be Right Back" are both more focused on how technology could impact personal relationships between couples.   

Ep. 1.1 "The National Anthem" and 2.3 "The Waldo Moment" are more grounded in today's reality and have more to do with multimedia.

All six episodes are worth watching for a realistic human approach to where we might actually end up as a civilization. 

Here are the trailers for the first trilogy and the second trilogy.  These are sort of conceptual trailers each episode explores a different avenue of human nature and technology. 

Watch em.


  1. Are they available for streaming anywhere?

    1. not on netflix etc yet. I found this site online though seems to work. here is the link the the latest episode The Waldo Moment. it looks like they have them all.

  2. I am definitely going to watch it. The trailers are interesting.
