Thursday, February 28, 2013

Comcast Hijacking Your Internet?

That Picture above is an alert that Comcast will begin using as part of a newly implemented system to get rid and deter online downloading.  Users who are caught to be using BitTorrent and illegaling sharing media will be issued 6 reminders or alerts as shown above.  Got your attention yet? If you are one of the people who has downloaded movies and television then take heed.  The report is that Comcast will hijack or take control of your browser to prevent you from using the internet until you call in to their customer service line.  This control is said to be implemented after your 4th alert, but it should be interesting to see how this issue effects Comcast and their customers moving forward.

I for one don't think there are too many people who would switch internet service providers based on this, but you never know as time passes and alerts become issued this news should make more of a midstream impact.

Article on Comcast Hijacking Browsers
I am not a fan of the system, but with 4 reminders before the initial hijacking at least you should have plenty of warning and time to see it coming.  What about you guys? What do you think about this system and will it affect your downloading or mindset going forward?


  1. Wow....I didn't know about that! Even though 4 warnings are plenty, I think more people will be willing to switch it because they don't want Comcast to take control of your browser and they don't want to deal with that situation.

  2. Wow....I didn't know about that! Even though 4 warnings are plenty, I think more people will be willing to switch it because they don't want Comcast to take control of your browser and they don't want to deal with that situation.
