Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Oscar Race and other developments..

Who will take home the big prize for Best Picture? 

The Academy Awards have been a point of contention as I grew up.  When I was young I believed that the Oscars were the end all be all of Film accomplishment.  And while that is still technically true the artistic credibility of the awards have staled and dulled with time.  Learning now that the Oscars are mainly political with top studios and producers promoting and campaigning for contention.

Some general thoughts on some developments in the award season gauntlet leading into the academy awards at the end of the month.

The biggest take away from the endless slew of award shows including the Golden Globes, Screen Actor Guild Awards and Directors Guild Awards is that Argo the film by Ben Affleck has swept the major awards including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Acting Ensemble.

 The Academy Awards nominations have already been released and while Argo might be considered the new frontrunner for Best Picture of the Nine films nominated it is notable that Affleck is not one of the 5 nominated for Best Director which is a usual indicator of Best Picture Odds...

The Oscars award campaign process has become way more overtly political in nature with films and studios lobbying for votes when statues translate to dollars. Gimme Beast of the Southern Wild for the win personally..

Will Argo and Affleck buckle convention and take home the Best Picture Award? 

If so which other Film's Director will get the top nod?

Will anyone care 6 months from now? 

Only time will tell and The Academy Awards are anything, but perfect it is still somewhat entertaining to see how the studio politics will play out and where the dust will settle after all the campaigning is finished.

I leave you with a video of Jeb Corliss jumping off a mountain...***1:35

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