Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Netflix Making Moves..Next HBO?

Can Netflix Eclipse HBO? 

Hey guys, this week has been crazy, but I wanted to touch on some developments and topics associated with Netflix and their new original programing identity.  At the beginning of the month Netflix released their new original series titled House of Cards.  The show is a political thriller of sorts and stars Kevin Spacey as a Majority Whip balancing a political allegiances and power as he carries out a long-con scheme in the nation's capital.  Staying spoiler free I can say that I have seen the first season and am a big fan of the show which really picks up midway through the season.  The show had my attention from the first five minutes and consists of 13 hourish episodes.  

One of the big points of contention is the fact that Netflix released the entire season at once which violently opposes the conventions of general television programming.  I personally enjoy the format change and while most Netflix users can find themselves "marathoning" shows I think this could really catch on.  

The real question long-term is whether Netflix can become HBO before HBO can become Netflix.  With physical distribution on it's deathbed video streaming seems to be on the horizon for almost all media consumption.  Netflix and HBO both incorporate large libraries of movies with HBO providing high budget critically acclaimed shows. With Netflix stepping up their game with House of Cards and the upcoming "Arrested Development" season launching this year they could find themselves on the cusp of making a major move.  While HBO has a huge library of hit programming including Game of Thrones, Veep, Boardwalk Empire, Girls and more their is certainly some stiff competition.  

Looking at the general landscape between HBO, Netflix and the formidable up and comer AMC the next 5 years could go a long way towards establishing not only the pecking order, but the future of distribution.

Here's the trailer for House of Cards.
*Side note first 2 episodes are directed by David Fincher.


  1. I am ridiculously excited for new Arrested Development.

    Anyway though, one definite advantage that Netflix has over HBO is that it's much cheaper. To get HBO, you'd have to have premium cable, which can get pretty pricey. I actually just ended my AT&T U-Verse subscription and instead now just have Netflix and Hulu Plus; it's much more economical and I don't particularly feel like I'm missing out.

  2. Love the point about Netflix and HBO!
